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1"""Provide classes to use pyramid's data.
3The module contains the following classes:
5- `Pyramid` - Data container
6- `Level` - Level of a pyramid
9# -- IMPORTS --
11# standard library
12import io
13import json
14import os
15import re
16import tempfile
17import zlib
18from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
19from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple
21# 3rd party
22import mapbox_vector_tile
23import numpy
24from PIL import Image
26# package
27from rok4.enums import PyramidType, SlabType, StorageType
28from rok4.exceptions import FormatError, MissingAttributeError
29from import (
30 copy,
31 get_data_binary,
32 get_data_str,
33 get_infos_from_path,
34 get_path_from_infos,
35 put_data_str,
36 remove,
37 size_path,
39from rok4.tile_matrix_set import TileMatrix, TileMatrixSet
40from rok4.utils import reproject_point, srs_to_spatialreference
42# -- GLOBALS --
44"""Slab's header size, 2048 bytes"""
47def b36_number_encode(number: int) -> str:
48 """Convert base-10 number to base-36
50 Used alphabet is '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
52 Args:
53 number (int): base-10 number
55 Returns:
56 str: base-36 number
57 """
59 alphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
61 base36 = ""
63 if 0 <= number < len(alphabet):
64 return alphabet[number]
66 while number != 0:
67 number, i = divmod(number, len(alphabet))
68 base36 = alphabet[i] + base36
70 return base36
73def b36_number_decode(number: str) -> int:
74 """Convert base-36 number to base-10
76 Args:
77 number (str): base-36 number
79 Returns:
80 int: base-10 number
81 """
82 return int(number, 36)
85def b36_path_decode(path: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
86 """Get slab's column and row from a base-36 based path
88 Args:
89 path (str): slab's path
91 Returns:
92 Tuple[int, int]: slab's column and row
93 """
95 path = path.replace("/", "")
96 path = re.sub(r"(\.TIFF?)", "", path.upper())
98 b36_column = ""
99 b36_row = ""
101 while len(path) > 0:
102 b36_column += path[0]
103 b36_row += path[1]
104 path = path[2:]
106 return b36_number_decode(b36_column), b36_number_decode(b36_row)
109def b36_path_encode(column: int, row: int, slashs: int) -> str:
110 """Convert slab indices to base-36 based path, with .tif extension
112 Args:
113 column (int): slab's column
114 row (int): slab's row
115 slashs (int): slashs' number (to split path)
117 Returns:
118 str: base-36 based path
119 """
121 b36_column = b36_number_encode(column)
122 b36_row = b36_number_encode(row)
124 max_len = max(slashs + 1, len(b36_column), len(b36_row))
126 b36_column = b36_column.rjust(max_len, "0")
127 b36_row = b36_row.rjust(max_len, "0")
129 b36_path = ""
131 while len(b36_column) > 0:
132 b36_path = b36_row[-1] + b36_path
133 b36_path = b36_column[-1] + b36_path
135 b36_column = b36_column[:-1]
136 b36_row = b36_row[:-1]
138 if slashs > 0:
139 b36_path = "/" + b36_path
140 slashs -= 1
142 return f"{b36_path}.tif"
145class Level:
146 """A pyramid's level, raster or vector
148 Attributes:
149 __id (str): level's identifier. have to exist in the pyramid's used TMS
150 __tile_limits (Dict[str, int]): minimum and maximum tiles' columns and rows of pyramid's content
151 __slab_size (Tuple[int, int]): number of tile in a slab, widthwise and heightwise
152 __tables (List[Dict]): for a VECTOR pyramid, description of vector content, tables and attributes
153 """
155 @classmethod
156 def from_descriptor(cls, data: Dict, pyramid: "Pyramid") -> "Level":
157 """Create a pyramid's level from the pyramid's descriptor levels element
159 Args:
160 data (Dict): level's information from the pyramid's descriptor
161 pyramid (Pyramid): pyramid containing the level to create
163 Raises:
164 Exception: different storage or masks presence between the level and the pyramid
165 MissingAttributeError: Attribute is missing in the content
167 Returns:
168 Pyramid: a Level instance
169 """
170 level = cls()
172 level.__pyramid = pyramid
174 # Attributs communs
175 try:
176 level.__id = data["id"]
177 level.__tile_limits = data["tile_limits"]
178 level.__slab_size = (
179 data["tiles_per_width"],
180 data["tiles_per_height"],
181 )
183 # Informations sur le stockage : on les valide et stocke dans la pyramide
184 if != data["storage"]["type"]:
185 raise Exception(
186 f"Pyramid {pyramid.descriptor} owns levels using different storage types ({ data['storage']['type'] }) than its one ({})"
187 )
189 if pyramid.storage_type == StorageType.FILE:
190 pyramid.storage_depth = data["storage"]["path_depth"]
192 if "mask_directory" in data["storage"] or "mask_prefix" in data["storage"]:
193 if not pyramid.own_masks:
194 raise Exception(
195 f"Pyramid {pyramid.__descriptor} does not define a mask format but level {level.__id} define mask storage informations"
196 )
197 else:
198 if pyramid.own_masks:
199 raise Exception(
200 f"Pyramid {pyramid.__descriptor} define a mask format but level {level.__id} does not define mask storage informations"
201 )
203 except KeyError as e:
204 raise MissingAttributeError(pyramid.descriptor, f"levels[].{e}")
206 # Attributs dans le cas d'un niveau vecteur
207 if level.__pyramid.type == PyramidType.VECTOR:
208 try:
209 level.__tables = data["tables"]
211 except KeyError as e:
212 raise MissingAttributeError(pyramid.descriptor, f"levels[].{e}")
214 return level
216 @classmethod
217 def from_other(cls, other: "Level", pyramid: "Pyramid") -> "Level":
218 """Create a pyramid's level from another one
220 Args:
221 other (Level): level to clone
222 pyramid (Pyramid): new pyramid containing the new level
224 Raises:
225 Exception: different storage or masks presence between the level and the pyramid
226 MissingAttributeError: Attribute is missing in the content
228 Returns:
229 Pyramid: a Level instance
230 """
232 level = cls()
234 # Attributs communs
235 level.__id = other.__id
236 level.__pyramid = pyramid
237 level.__tile_limits = other.__tile_limits
238 level.__slab_size = other.__slab_size
240 # Attributs dans le cas d'un niveau vecteur
241 if level.__pyramid.type == PyramidType.VECTOR:
242 level.__tables = other.__tables
244 return level
246 def __str__(self) -> str:
247 return f"{} pyramid's level '{self.__id}' ({} storage)"
249 @property
250 def serializable(self) -> Dict:
251 """Get the dict version of the pyramid object, pyramid's descriptor compliant
253 Returns:
254 Dict: pyramid's descriptor structured object description
255 """
256 serialization = {
257 "id": self.__id,
258 "tiles_per_width": self.__slab_size[0],
259 "tiles_per_height": self.__slab_size[1],
260 "tile_limits": self.__tile_limits,
261 }
263 if self.__pyramid.type == PyramidType.VECTOR:
264 serialization["tables"] = self.__tables
266 if self.__pyramid.storage_type == StorageType.FILE:
267 serialization["storage"] = {
268 "type": "FILE",
269 "image_directory": f"{}/DATA/{self.__id}",
270 "path_depth": self.__pyramid.storage_depth,
271 }
272 if self.__pyramid.own_masks:
273 serialization["storage"][
274 "mask_directory"
275 ] = f"{}/MASK/{self.__id}"
277 elif self.__pyramid.storage_type == StorageType.CEPH:
278 serialization["storage"] = {
279 "type": "CEPH",
280 "image_prefix": f"{}/DATA_{self.__id}",
281 "pool_name": self.__pyramid.storage_root,
282 }
283 if self.__pyramid.own_masks:
284 serialization["storage"]["mask_prefix"] = f"{}/MASK_{self.__id}"
286 elif self.__pyramid.storage_type == StorageType.S3:
287 serialization["storage"] = {
288 "type": "S3",
289 "image_prefix": f"{}/DATA_{self.__id}",
290 "bucket_name": self.__pyramid.storage_root,
291 }
292 if self.__pyramid.own_masks:
293 serialization["storage"]["mask_prefix"] = f"{}/MASK_{self.__id}"
295 return serialization
297 @property
298 def id(self) -> str:
299 return self.__id
301 @property
302 def bbox(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
303 """Return level extent, based on tile limits
305 Returns:
306 Tuple[float, float, float, float]: level terrain extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
307 """
309 min_bbox = self.__pyramid.tms.get_level(self.__id).tile_to_bbox(
310 self.__tile_limits["min_col"], self.__tile_limits["max_row"]
311 )
312 max_bbox = self.__pyramid.tms.get_level(self.__id).tile_to_bbox(
313 self.__tile_limits["max_col"], self.__tile_limits["min_row"]
314 )
316 return (min_bbox[0], min_bbox[1], max_bbox[2], max_bbox[3])
318 @property
319 def resolution(self) -> str:
320 return self.__pyramid.tms.get_level(self.__id).resolution
322 @property
323 def tile_matrix(self) -> TileMatrix:
324 return self.__pyramid.tms.get_level(self.__id)
326 @property
327 def slab_width(self) -> int:
328 return self.__slab_size[0]
330 @property
331 def slab_height(self) -> int:
332 return self.__slab_size[1]
334 @property
335 def tile_limits(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
336 return self.__tile_limits
338 def is_in_limits(self, column: int, row: int) -> bool:
339 """Is the tile indices in limits ?
341 Args:
342 column (int): tile's column
343 row (int): tile's row
345 Returns:
346 bool: True if tiles' limits contain the provided tile's indices
347 """
348 return (
349 self.__tile_limits["min_row"] <= row
350 and self.__tile_limits["max_row"] >= row
351 and self.__tile_limits["min_col"] <= column
352 and self.__tile_limits["max_col"] >= column
353 )
355 def set_limits_from_bbox(self, bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> None:
356 """Set tile limits, based on provided bounding box
358 Args:
359 bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): terrain extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), in TMS coordinates system
361 """
363 col_min, row_min, col_max, row_max = self.__pyramid.tms.get_level(self.__id).bbox_to_tiles(
364 bbox
365 )
366 self.__tile_limits = {
367 "min_row": row_min,
368 "max_col": col_max,
369 "max_row": row_max,
370 "min_col": col_min,
371 }
374class Pyramid:
375 """A data pyramid, raster or vector
377 Attributes:
378 __name (str): pyramid's name
379 __descriptor (str): pyramid's descriptor path
380 __list (str): pyramid's list path
381 __tms (rok4.tile_matrix_set.TileMatrixSet): Used grid
382 __levels (Dict[str, Level]): Pyramid's levels
383 __format (str): Data format
384 __storage (Dict[str, Union[rok4.enums.StorageType,str,int]]): Pyramid's storage informations (type, root and depth if FILE storage)
385 __raster_specifications (Dict): If raster pyramid, raster specifications
386 __content (Dict): Loading status (loaded), slab count (count) and list content (cache).
388 Example (S3 storage):
390 {
391 'cache': {
392 (<SlabType.DATA: 'DATA'>, '18', 5424, 7526): {
393 'link': False,
394 'md5': None,
395 'root': 'pyramids@localhost:9000/LIMADM',
396 'slab': 'DATA_18_5424_7526'
397 }
398 },
399 'count': 1,
400 'loaded': True
401 }
402 """
404 @classmethod
405 def from_descriptor(cls, descriptor: str) -> "Pyramid":
406 """Create a pyramid from its descriptor
408 Args:
409 descriptor (str): pyramid's descriptor path
411 Raises:
412 FormatError: Provided path or the descriptor is not a well formed JSON
413 Exception: Level issue : no one in the pyramid or the used TMS, or level ID not defined in the TMS
414 MissingAttributeError: Attribute is missing in the content
415 StorageError: Storage read issue (pyramid descriptor or TMS)
416 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations or TMS root directory
418 Examples:
420 S3 stored descriptor
422 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
424 try:
425 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://bucket_name/path/to/descriptor.json")
426 except Exception as e:
427 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor")
429 Returns:
430 Pyramid: a Pyramid instance
431 """
432 try:
433 data = json.loads(get_data_str(descriptor))
435 except JSONDecodeError as e:
436 raise FormatError("JSON", descriptor, e)
438 pyramid = cls()
440 pyramid.__storage["type"], path, pyramid.__storage["root"], base_name = get_infos_from_path(
441 descriptor
442 )
443 pyramid.__name = base_name[:-5] # on supprime l'extension.json
444 pyramid.__descriptor = descriptor
445 pyramid.__list = get_path_from_infos(
446 pyramid.__storage["type"], pyramid.__storage["root"], f"{pyramid.__name}.list"
447 )
449 try:
450 # Attributs communs
451 pyramid.__tms = TileMatrixSet(data["tile_matrix_set"])
452 pyramid.__format = data["format"]
454 # Attributs d'une pyramide raster
455 if pyramid.type == PyramidType.RASTER:
456 pyramid.__raster_specifications = data["raster_specifications"]
458 if "mask_format" in data:
459 pyramid.__masks = True
460 else:
461 pyramid.__masks = False
463 # Niveaux
464 for level in data["levels"]:
465 lev = Level.from_descriptor(level, pyramid)
466 pyramid.__levels[] = lev
468 if pyramid.__tms.get_level( is None:
469 raise Exception(
470 f"Pyramid {descriptor} owns a level with the ID '{}', not defined in the TMS '{}'"
471 )
473 except KeyError as e:
474 raise MissingAttributeError(descriptor, e)
476 if len(pyramid.__levels.keys()) == 0:
477 raise Exception(f"Pyramid '{descriptor}' has no level")
479 return pyramid
481 @classmethod
482 def from_other(cls, other: "Pyramid", name: str, storage: Dict, **kwargs) -> "Pyramid":
483 """Create a pyramid from another one
485 Args:
486 other (Pyramid): pyramid to clone
487 name (str): new pyramid's name
488 storage (Dict[str, Union[str, int]]): new pyramid's storage informations
489 **mask (bool) : Presence or not of mask (only for RASTER)
491 Raises:
492 FormatError: Provided path or the TMS is not a well formed JSON
493 Exception: Level issue : no one in the pyramid or the used TMS, or level ID not defined in the TMS
494 MissingAttributeError: Attribute is missing in the content
496 Returns:
497 Pyramid: a Pyramid instance
498 """
499 try:
500 # On convertit le type de stockage selon l'énumération
501 if type(storage["type"]) is str:
502 storage["type"] = StorageType[storage["type"]]
504 if storage["type"] == StorageType.FILE and name.find("/") != -1:
505 raise Exception(f"A FILE stored pyramid's name cannot contain '/' : '{name}'")
507 if storage["type"] == StorageType.FILE and "depth" not in storage:
508 storage["depth"] = 2
510 pyramid = cls()
512 # Attributs communs
513 pyramid.__name = name
514 pyramid.__storage = storage
515 pyramid.__masks = other.__masks
517 pyramid.__descriptor = get_path_from_infos(
518 pyramid.__storage["type"], pyramid.__storage["root"], f"{pyramid.__name}.json"
519 )
520 pyramid.__list = get_path_from_infos(
521 pyramid.__storage["type"], pyramid.__storage["root"], f"{pyramid.__name}.list"
522 )
523 pyramid.__tms = other.__tms
524 pyramid.__format = other.__format
526 # Attributs d'une pyramide raster
527 if pyramid.type == PyramidType.RASTER:
528 if "mask" in kwargs:
529 pyramid.__masks = kwargs["mask"]
530 elif other.own_masks:
531 pyramid.__masks = True
532 else:
533 pyramid.__masks = False
534 pyramid.__raster_specifications = other.__raster_specifications
536 # Niveaux
537 for level in other.__levels.values():
538 lev = Level.from_other(level, pyramid)
539 pyramid.__levels[] = lev
541 except KeyError as e:
542 raise MissingAttributeError(pyramid.descriptor, e)
544 return pyramid
546 def __init__(self) -> None:
547 self.__storage = {}
548 self.__levels = {}
549 self.__masks = None
551 self.__content = {"loaded": False, "count": 0, "cache": {}}
553 def __str__(self) -> str:
554 return f"{} pyramid '{self.__name}' ({self.__storage['type'].name} storage)"
556 @property
557 def serializable(self) -> Dict:
558 """Get the dict version of the pyramid object, descriptor compliant
560 Returns:
561 Dict: descriptor structured object description
562 """
564 serialization = {"tile_matrix_set":, "format": self.__format}
566 serialization["levels"] = []
567 sorted_levels = sorted(
568 self.__levels.values(), key=lambda level: level.resolution, reverse=True
569 )
571 for level in sorted_levels:
572 serialization["levels"].append(level.serializable)
574 if self.type == PyramidType.RASTER:
575 serialization["raster_specifications"] = self.__raster_specifications
577 if self.__masks:
578 serialization["mask_format"] = "TIFF_ZIP_UINT8"
580 return serialization
582 @property
583 def list(self) -> str:
584 return self.__list
586 @property
587 def descriptor(self) -> str:
588 return self.__descriptor
590 @property
591 def name(self) -> str:
592 return self.__name
594 @property
595 def tms(self) -> TileMatrixSet:
596 return self.__tms
598 @property
599 def raster_specifications(self) -> Dict:
600 """Get raster specifications for a RASTER pyramid
602 Example:
604 RGB pyramid with red nodata
606 {
607 "channels": 3,
608 "nodata": "255,0,0",
609 "photometric": "rgb",
610 "interpolation": "bicubic"
611 }
613 Returns:
614 Dict: Raster specifications, None if VECTOR pyramid
615 """
616 return self.__raster_specifications
618 @property
619 def storage_type(self) -> StorageType:
620 """Get the storage type
622 Returns:
623 StorageType: FILE, S3 or CEPH
624 """
625 return self.__storage["type"]
627 @property
628 def storage_root(self) -> str:
629 """Get the pyramid's storage root.
631 If storage is S3, the used cluster is removed.
633 Returns:
634 str: Pyramid's storage root
635 """
637 return self.__storage["root"].split("@", 1)[
638 0
639 ] # Suppression de l'éventuel hôte de spécification du cluster S3
641 @property
642 def storage_depth(self) -> int:
643 return self.__storage.get("depth", None)
645 @property
646 def storage_s3_cluster(self) -> str:
647 """Get the pyramid's storage S3 cluster (host name)
649 Returns:
650 str: the host if known, None if the default one have to be used or if storage is not S3
651 """
652 if self.__storage["type"] == StorageType.S3:
653 try:
654 return self.__storage["root"].split("@")[1]
655 except IndexError:
656 return None
657 else:
658 return None
660 @storage_depth.setter
661 def storage_depth(self, d: int) -> None:
662 """Set the tree depth for a FILE storage
664 Args:
665 d (int): file storage depth
667 Raises:
668 Exception: the depth is not equal to the already known depth
669 """
670 if "depth" in self.__storage and self.__storage["depth"] != d:
671 raise Exception(f"Pyramid {self.__descriptor} owns levels with different path depths")
672 self.__storage["depth"] = d
674 @property
675 def own_masks(self) -> bool:
676 return self.__masks
678 @property
679 def format(self) -> str:
680 return self.__format
682 @property
683 def channels(self) -> str:
684 return self.raster_specifications["channels"]
686 @property
687 def tile_extension(self) -> str:
688 if self.__format in [
697 ]:
698 return "tif"
699 elif self.__format in ["TIFF_JPG_UINT8", "TIFF_JPG90_UINT8"]:
700 return "jpg"
701 elif self.__format == "TIFF_PNG_UINT8":
702 return "png"
703 elif self.__format == "TIFF_PBF_MVT":
704 return "pbf"
705 else:
706 raise Exception(
707 f"Unknown pyramid's format ({self.__format}), cannot return the tile extension"
708 )
710 @property
711 def bottom_level(self) -> "Level":
712 """Get the best resolution level in the pyramid
714 Returns:
715 Level: the bottom level
716 """
717 return sorted(self.__levels.values(), key=lambda level: level.resolution)[0]
719 @property
720 def top_level(self) -> "Level":
721 """Get the low resolution level in the pyramid
723 Returns:
724 Level: the top level
725 """
726 return sorted(self.__levels.values(), key=lambda level: level.resolution)[-1]
728 @property
729 def type(self) -> PyramidType:
730 """Get the pyramid's type (RASTER or VECTOR) from its format
732 Returns:
733 PyramidType: RASTER or VECTOR
734 """
735 if self.__format == "TIFF_PBF_MVT":
736 return PyramidType.VECTOR
737 else:
738 return PyramidType.RASTER
740 def load_list(self) -> int:
741 """Load list content and cache it
743 If list is already loaded, nothing done
744 """
745 if self.__content["loaded"]:
746 return self.__content["count"]
748 for slab, infos in self.list_generator():
749 self.__content["cache"][slab] = infos
750 self.__content["count"] += 1
752 self.__content["loaded"] = True
754 return self.__content["count"]
756 def list_generator(
757 self, level_id: str = None
758 ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[SlabType, str, int, int], Dict]]:
759 """Get list content
761 List is copied as temporary file, roots are read and informations about each slab is returned. If list is already loaded, we yield the cached content
762 Args :
763 level_id (str) : id of the level for load only one level
765 Examples:
767 S3 stored descriptor
769 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
771 try:
772 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://bucket_name/path/to/descriptor.json")
774 for (slab_type, level, column, row), infos in pyramid.list_generator():
775 print(infos)
777 except Exception as e:
778 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor and read the list")
780 Yields:
781 Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[SlabType,str,int,int], Dict]]: Slab indices and storage informations
783 Value example:
785 (
786 (<SlabType.DATA: 'DATA'>, '18', 5424, 7526),
787 {
788 'link': False,
789 'md5': None,
790 'root': 'pyramids@localhost:9000/LIMADM',
791 'slab': 'DATA_18_5424_7526'
792 }
793 )
795 Raises:
796 StorageError: Unhandled pyramid storage to copy list
797 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations
798 """
799 if self.__content["loaded"]:
800 for slab, infos in self.__content["cache"].items():
801 if level_id is not None:
802 if slab[1] == level_id:
803 yield slab, infos
804 else:
805 yield slab, infos
806 else:
807 # Copie de la liste dans un fichier temporaire (cette liste peut être un objet)
808 list_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="r", delete=False)
809 list_file =
810 copy(self.__list, f"file://{list_file}")
811 list_obj.close()
813 roots = {}
814 s3_cluster = self.storage_s3_cluster
816 with open(list_file) as listin:
817 # Lecture des racines
818 for line in listin:
819 line = line.rstrip()
821 if line == "#":
822 break
824 root_id, root_path = line.split("=", 1)
826 if s3_cluster is None:
827 roots[root_id] = root_path
828 else:
829 # On a un nom de cluster S3, on l'ajoute au nom du bucket dans les racines
830 root_bucket, root_path = root_path.split("/", 1)
831 roots[root_id] = f"{root_bucket}@{s3_cluster}/{root_path}"
833 # Lecture des dalles
834 for line in listin:
835 line = line.rstrip()
837 parts = line.split(" ", 1)
838 slab_path = parts[0]
839 slab_md5 = None
840 if len(parts) == 2:
841 slab_md5 = parts[1]
843 root_id, slab_path = slab_path.split("/", 1)
845 slab_type, level, column, row = self.get_infos_from_slab_path(slab_path)
846 infos = {
847 "root": roots[root_id],
848 "link": root_id != "0",
849 "slab": slab_path,
850 "md5": slab_md5,
851 }
853 if level_id is not None:
854 if level == level_id:
855 yield ((slab_type, level, column, row), infos)
856 else:
857 yield ((slab_type, level, column, row), infos)
859 remove(f"file://{list_file}")
861 def get_level(self, level_id: str) -> "Level":
862 """Get one level according to its identifier
864 Args:
865 level_id: Level identifier
867 Returns:
868 The corresponding pyramid's level, None if not present
869 """
871 return self.__levels.get(level_id, None)
873 def get_levels(self, bottom_id: str = None, top_id: str = None) -> List[Level]:
874 """Get sorted levels in the provided range from bottom to top
876 Args:
877 bottom_id (str, optionnal): specific bottom level id. Defaults to None.
878 top_id (str, optionnal): specific top level id. Defaults to None.
880 Raises:
881 Exception: Provided levels are not consistent (bottom > top or not in the pyramid)
883 Examples:
885 All levels
887 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
889 try:
890 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://bucket_name/path/to/descriptor.json")
891 levels = pyramid.get_levels()
893 except Exception as e:
894 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor and get levels")
896 From pyramid's bottom to provided top (level 5)
898 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
900 try:
901 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://bucket_name/path/to/descriptor.json")
902 levels = pyramid.get_levels(None, "5")
904 except Exception as e:
905 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor and get levels")
907 Returns:
908 List[Level]: asked sorted levels
909 """
911 sorted_levels = sorted(self.__levels.values(), key=lambda level: level.resolution)
913 levels = []
915 begin = False
916 if bottom_id is None:
917 # Pas de niveau du bas fourni, on commence tout en bas
918 begin = True
919 else:
920 if self.get_level(bottom_id) is None:
921 raise Exception(
922 f"Pyramid {} does not contain the provided bottom level {bottom_id}"
923 )
925 if top_id is not None and self.get_level(top_id) is None:
926 raise Exception(f"Pyramid {} does not contain the provided top level {top_id}")
928 end = False
930 for level in sorted_levels:
931 if not begin and == bottom_id:
932 begin = True
934 if begin:
935 levels.append(level)
936 if top_id is not None and == top_id:
937 end = True
938 break
939 else:
940 continue
942 if top_id is None:
943 # Pas de niveau du haut fourni, on a été jusqu'en haut et c'est normal
944 end = True
946 if not begin or not end:
947 raise Exception(
948 f"Provided levels ids are not consistent to extract levels from the pyramid {}"
949 )
951 return levels
953 def write_descriptor(self) -> None:
954 """Write the pyramid's descriptor to the final location (in the pyramid's storage root)"""
956 content = json.dumps(self.serializable)
957 put_data_str(content, self.__descriptor)
959 def get_infos_from_slab_path(self, path: str) -> Tuple[SlabType, str, int, int]:
960 """Get the slab's indices from its storage path
962 Args:
963 path (str): Slab's storage path
965 Examples:
967 FILE stored pyramid
969 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
971 try:
972 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("/path/to/descriptor.json")
973 slab_type, level, column, row = self.get_infos_from_slab_path("DATA/12/00/4A/F7.tif")
974 # (SlabType.DATA, "12", 159, 367)
975 except Exception as e:
976 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor and convert a slab path")
978 S3 stored pyramid
980 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
982 try:
983 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://bucket_name/path/to/pyramid.json")
984 slab_type, level, column, row = self.get_infos_from_slab_path("s3://bucket_name/path/to/pyramid/MASK_15_9164_5846")
985 # (SlabType.MASK, "15", 9164, 5846)
986 except Exception as e:
987 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor and convert a slab path")
989 Returns:
990 Tuple[SlabType, str, int, int]: Slab's type (DATA or MASK), level identifier, slab's column and slab's row
991 """
992 if self.__storage["type"] == StorageType.FILE:
993 parts = path.split("/")
995 # Le partie du chemin qui contient la colonne et ligne de la dalle est à la fin, en fonction de la profondeur choisie
996 # depth = 2 -> on doit utiliser les 3 dernières parties pour la conversion
997 column, row = b36_path_decode("/".join(parts[-(self.__storage["depth"] + 1) :]))
998 level = parts[-(self.__storage["depth"] + 2)]
999 raw_slab_type = parts[-(self.__storage["depth"] + 3)]
1001 # Pour être retro compatible avec l'ancien nommage
1002 if raw_slab_type == "IMAGE":
1003 raw_slab_type = "DATA"
1005 slab_type = SlabType[raw_slab_type]
1007 return slab_type, level, column, row
1008 else:
1009 parts = re.split(r"[/_]", path)
1010 column = parts[-2]
1011 row = parts[-1]
1012 level = parts[-3]
1013 raw_slab_type = parts[-4]
1015 # Pour être retro compatible avec l'ancien nommage
1016 if raw_slab_type == "IMG":
1017 raw_slab_type = "DATA"
1018 elif raw_slab_type == "MSK":
1019 raw_slab_type = "MASK"
1021 slab_type = SlabType[raw_slab_type]
1023 return slab_type, level, int(column), int(row)
1025 def get_slab_path_from_infos(
1026 self, slab_type: SlabType, level: str, column: int, row: int, full: bool = True
1027 ) -> str:
1028 """Get slab's storage path from the indices
1030 Args:
1031 slab_type (SlabType): DATA or MASK
1032 level (str): Level identifier
1033 column (int): Slab's column
1034 row (int): Slab's row
1035 full (bool, optional): Full path or just relative path from pyramid storage root. Defaults to True.
1037 Returns:
1038 str: Absolute or relative slab's storage path
1039 """
1040 if self.__storage["type"] == StorageType.FILE:
1041 slab_path = os.path.join(
1042 slab_type.value, level, b36_path_encode(column, row, self.__storage["depth"])
1043 )
1044 else:
1045 slab_path = f"{slab_type.value}_{level}_{column}_{row}"
1047 if full:
1048 return get_path_from_infos(
1049 self.__storage["type"], self.__storage["root"], self.__name, slab_path
1050 )
1051 else:
1052 return slab_path
1054 def get_tile_data_binary(self, level: str, column: int, row: int) -> str:
1055 """Get a pyramid's tile as binary string
1057 To get a tile, 3 steps :
1058 * calculate slab path from tile index
1059 * read slab index to get offsets and sizes of slab's tiles
1060 * read the tile into the slab
1062 Args:
1063 level (str): Tile's level
1064 column (int): Tile's column
1065 row (int): Tile's row
1067 Limitations:
1068 Pyramids with one-tile slab are not handled
1070 Examples:
1072 FILE stored raster pyramid, to extract a tile containing a point and save it as independent image
1074 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
1076 try:
1077 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("/data/pyramids/SCAN1000.json")
1078 level, col, row, pcol, prow = pyramid.get_tile_indices(992904.46, 6733643.15, "9", srs = "IGNF:LAMB93")
1079 data = pyramid.get_tile_data_binary(level, col, row)
1081 if data is None:
1082 print("No data")
1083 else:
1084 tile_name = f"tile_{level}_{col}_{row}.{pyramid.tile_extension}"
1085 with open(tile_name, "wb") as image:
1086 image.write(data)
1087 print (f"Tile written in {tile_name}")
1089 except Exception as e:
1090 print("Cannot save a pyramid's tile : {e}")
1092 Raises:
1093 Exception: Level not found in the pyramid
1094 NotImplementedError: Pyramid owns one-tile slabs
1095 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations
1096 StorageError: Storage read issue
1098 Returns:
1099 str: data, as binary string, None if no data
1100 """
1102 level_object = self.get_level(level)
1104 if level_object is None:
1105 raise Exception(f"No level {level} in the pyramid")
1107 if level_object.slab_width == 1 and level_object.slab_height == 1:
1108 raise NotImplementedError("One-tile slab pyramid is not handled")
1110 if not level_object.is_in_limits(column, row):
1111 return None
1113 # Indices de la dalle
1114 slab_column = column // level_object.slab_width
1115 slab_row = row // level_object.slab_height
1117 # Indices de la tuile dans la dalle
1118 relative_tile_column = column % level_object.slab_width
1119 relative_tile_row = row % level_object.slab_height
1121 # Numéro de la tuile dans le header
1122 tile_index = relative_tile_row * level_object.slab_width + relative_tile_column
1124 # Calcul du chemin de la dalle contenant la tuile voulue
1125 slab_path = self.get_slab_path_from_infos(SlabType.DATA, level, slab_column, slab_row)
1127 # Récupération des offset et tailles des tuiles dans la dalle
1128 # Une dalle ROK4 a une en-tête fixe de 2048 octets,
1129 # puis sont stockés les offsets (chacun sur 4 octets)
1130 # puis les tailles (chacune sur 4 octets)
1131 try:
1132 binary_index = get_data_binary(
1133 slab_path,
1134 (
1136 2 * 4 * level_object.slab_width * level_object.slab_height,
1137 ),
1138 )
1139 except FileNotFoundError:
1140 # L'absence de la dalle est gérée comme simplement une absence de données
1141 return None
1143 offsets = numpy.frombuffer(
1144 binary_index,
1145 dtype=numpy.dtype("uint32"),
1146 count=level_object.slab_width * level_object.slab_height,
1147 )
1148 sizes = numpy.frombuffer(
1149 binary_index,
1150 dtype=numpy.dtype("uint32"),
1151 offset=4 * level_object.slab_width * level_object.slab_height,
1152 count=level_object.slab_width * level_object.slab_height,
1153 )
1155 if sizes[tile_index] == 0:
1156 return None
1158 return get_data_binary(slab_path, (offsets[tile_index], sizes[tile_index]))
1160 def get_tile_data_raster(self, level: str, column: int, row: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
1161 """Get a raster pyramid's tile as 3-dimension numpy ndarray
1163 First dimension is the row, second one is column, third one is band.
1165 Args:
1166 level (str): Tile's level
1167 column (int): Tile's column
1168 row (int): Tile's row
1170 Limitations:
1171 Packbits (pyramid formats TIFF_PKB_FLOAT32 and TIFF_PKB_UINT8) and LZW (pyramid formats TIFF_LZW_FLOAT32 and TIFF_LZW_UINT8) compressions are not handled.
1173 Raises:
1174 Exception: Cannot get raster data for a vector pyramid
1175 Exception: Level not found in the pyramid
1176 NotImplementedError: Pyramid owns one-tile slabs
1177 NotImplementedError: Raster pyramid format not handled
1178 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations
1179 StorageError: Storage read issue
1180 FormatError: Cannot decode tile
1182 Examples:
1184 FILE stored DTM (raster) pyramid, to get the altitude value at a point in the best level
1186 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
1188 try:
1189 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("/data/pyramids/RGEALTI.json")
1190 level, col, row, pcol, prow = pyramid.get_tile_indices(44, 5, srs = "EPSG:4326")
1191 data = pyramid.get_tile_data_raster(level, col, row)
1193 if data is None:
1194 print("No data")
1195 else:
1196 print(data[prow][pcol])
1198 except Exception as e:
1199 print("Cannot get a pyramid's pixel value : {e}")
1201 Returns:
1202 str: data, as numpy array, None if no data
1203 """
1205 if self.type == PyramidType.VECTOR:
1206 raise Exception("Cannot get tile as raster data : it's a vector pyramid")
1208 binary_tile = self.get_tile_data_binary(level, column, row)
1210 if binary_tile is None:
1211 return None
1213 level_object = self.get_level(level)
1215 if self.__format == "TIFF_JPG_UINT8" or self.__format == "TIFF_JPG90_UINT8":
1216 try:
1217 img =
1218 except Exception as e:
1219 raise FormatError("JPEG", "binary tile", e)
1221 data = numpy.asarray(img)
1222 data.shape = (
1223 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[0],
1224 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[1],
1225 self.__raster_specifications["channels"],
1226 )
1228 elif self.__format == "TIFF_RAW_UINT8":
1229 data = numpy.frombuffer(binary_tile, dtype=numpy.dtype("uint8"))
1230 data.shape = (
1231 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[0],
1232 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[1],
1233 self.__raster_specifications["channels"],
1234 )
1236 elif self.__format == "TIFF_PNG_UINT8":
1237 try:
1238 img =
1239 except Exception as e:
1240 raise FormatError("PNG", "binary tile", e)
1242 data = numpy.asarray(img)
1243 data.shape = (
1244 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[0],
1245 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[1],
1246 self.__raster_specifications["channels"],
1247 )
1249 elif self.__format == "TIFF_ZIP_UINT8":
1250 try:
1251 data = numpy.frombuffer(zlib.decompress(binary_tile), dtype=numpy.dtype("uint8"))
1252 except Exception as e:
1253 raise FormatError("ZIP", "binary tile", e)
1255 data.shape = (
1256 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[0],
1257 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[1],
1258 self.__raster_specifications["channels"],
1259 )
1261 elif self.__format == "TIFF_ZIP_FLOAT32":
1262 try:
1263 data = numpy.frombuffer(zlib.decompress(binary_tile), dtype=numpy.dtype("float32"))
1264 except Exception as e:
1265 raise FormatError("ZIP", "binary tile", e)
1267 data.shape = (
1268 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[0],
1269 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[1],
1270 self.__raster_specifications["channels"],
1271 )
1273 elif self.__format == "TIFF_RAW_FLOAT32":
1274 data = numpy.frombuffer(binary_tile, dtype=numpy.dtype("float32"))
1275 data.shape = (
1276 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[0],
1277 level_object.tile_matrix.tile_size[1],
1278 self.__raster_specifications["channels"],
1279 )
1281 else:
1282 raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot get tile as raster data for format {self.__format}")
1284 return data
1286 def get_tile_data_vector(self, level: str, column: int, row: int) -> Dict:
1287 """Get a vector pyramid's tile as GeoJSON dictionnary
1289 Args:
1290 level (str): Tile's level
1291 column (int): Tile's column
1292 row (int): Tile's row
1294 Raises:
1295 Exception: Cannot get vector data for a raster pyramid
1296 Exception: Level not found in the pyramid
1297 NotImplementedError: Pyramid owns one-tile slabs
1298 NotImplementedError: Vector pyramid format not handled
1299 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations
1300 StorageError: Storage read issue
1301 FormatError: Cannot decode tile
1303 Examples:
1305 S3 stored vector pyramid, to print a tile as GeoJSON
1307 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
1309 import json
1311 try:
1312 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://pyramids/vectors/BDTOPO.json")
1313 level, col, row, pcol, prow = pyramid.get_tile_indices(40.325, 3.123, srs = "EPSG:4326")
1314 data = pyramid.get_tile_data_vector(level, col, row)
1316 if data is None:
1317 print("No data")
1318 else:
1319 print(json.dumps(data))
1321 except Exception as e:
1322 print("Cannot print a vector pyramid's tile as GeoJSON : {e}")
1324 Returns:
1325 str: data, as GeoJSON dictionnary. None if no data
1326 """
1328 if self.type == PyramidType.RASTER:
1329 raise Exception("Cannot get tile as vector data : it's a raster pyramid")
1331 binary_tile = self.get_tile_data_binary(level, column, row)
1333 if binary_tile is None:
1334 return None
1336 self.get_level(level)
1338 if self.__format == "TIFF_PBF_MVT":
1339 try:
1340 data = mapbox_vector_tile.decode(binary_tile)
1341 except Exception as e:
1342 raise FormatError("PBF (MVT)", "binary tile", e)
1343 else:
1344 raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot get tile as vector data for format {self.__format}")
1346 return data
1348 def get_tile_indices(
1349 self, x: float, y: float, level: str = None, **kwargs
1350 ) -> Tuple[str, int, int, int, int]:
1351 """Get pyramid's tile and pixel indices from point's coordinates
1353 Used coordinates system have to be the pyramid one. If EPSG:4326, x is latitude and y longitude.
1355 Args:
1356 x (float): point's x
1357 y (float): point's y
1358 level (str, optional): Pyramid's level to take into account, the bottom one if None . Defaults to None.
1359 **srs (string): spatial reference system of provided coordinates, with authority and code (same as the pyramid's one if not provided)
1361 Raises:
1362 Exception: Cannot find level to calculate indices
1363 RuntimeError: Provided SRS is invalid for OSR
1365 Examples:
1367 FILE stored DTM (raster) pyramid, to get the altitude value at a point in the best level
1369 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
1371 try:
1372 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("/data/pyramids/RGEALTI.json")
1373 level, col, row, pcol, prow = pyramid.get_tile_indices(44, 5, srs = "EPSG:4326")
1374 data = pyramid.get_tile_data_raster(level, col, row)
1376 if data is None:
1377 print("No data")
1378 else:
1379 print(data[prow][pcol])
1381 except Exception as e:
1382 print("Cannot get a pyramid's pixel value : {e}")
1384 Returns:
1385 Tuple[str, int, int, int, int]: Level identifier, tile's column, tile's row, pixel's (in the tile) column, pixel's row
1386 """
1388 level_object = self.bottom_level
1389 if level is not None:
1390 level_object = self.get_level(level)
1392 if level_object is None:
1393 raise Exception("Cannot found the level to calculate indices")
1395 if (
1396 "srs" in kwargs
1397 and kwargs["srs"] is not None
1398 and kwargs["srs"].upper() != self.__tms.srs.upper()
1399 ):
1400 sr = srs_to_spatialreference(kwargs["srs"])
1401 x, y = reproject_point((x, y), sr,
1403 return (,) + level_object.tile_matrix.point_to_indices(x, y)
1405 def delete_level(self, level_id: str) -> None:
1406 """Delete the given level in the description of the pyramid
1408 Args:
1409 level_id: Level identifier
1411 Raises:
1412 Exception: Cannot find level
1413 """
1415 try:
1416 del self.__levels[level_id]
1417 except Exception:
1418 raise Exception(f"The level {level_id} don't exist in the pyramid")
1420 def add_level(
1421 self,
1422 level_id: str,
1423 tiles_per_width: int,
1424 tiles_per_height: int,
1425 tile_limits: Dict[str, int],
1426 ) -> None:
1427 """Add a level in the description of the pyramid
1429 Args:
1430 level_id: Level identifier
1431 tiles_per_width : Number of tiles in width by slab
1432 tiles_per_height : Number of tiles in height by slab
1433 tile_limits : Minimum and maximum tiles' columns and rows of pyramid's content
1434 """
1436 data = {
1437 "id": level_id,
1438 "tile_limits": tile_limits,
1439 "tiles_per_width": tiles_per_width,
1440 "tiles_per_height": tiles_per_height,
1441 "storage": {"type":},
1442 }
1443 if self.own_masks:
1444 data["storage"]["mask_prefix"] = True
1445 if self.storage_type == StorageType.FILE:
1446 data["storage"]["path_depth"] = self.storage_depth
1448 lev = Level.from_descriptor(data, self)
1450 if self.__tms.get_level( is None:
1451 raise Exception(
1452 f"Pyramid {} owns a level with the ID '{}', not defined in the TMS '{}'"
1453 )
1454 else:
1455 self.__levels[] = lev
1457 @property
1458 def size(self) -> int:
1459 """Get the size of the pyramid
1461 Examples:
1463 from rok4.pyramid import Pyramid
1465 try:
1466 pyramid = Pyramid.from_descriptor("s3://bucket_name/path/to/descriptor.json")
1467 size = pyramid.size()
1469 except Exception as e:
1470 print("Cannot load the pyramid from its descriptor and get his size")
1472 Returns:
1473 int: size of the pyramid
1474 """
1476 if not hasattr(self, "_Pyramid__size"):
1477 self.__size = size_path(
1478 get_path_from_infos(self.__storage["type"], self.__storage["root"], self.__name)
1479 )
1481 return self.__size