Provide processor tranforming data. Output data is emitted as the input processor reading progresses
The module contains the following classes:
- Extract tile index from a WMTS GetTile URLTileindex2gettileProcessor
- Generate WMTS GetTile query parameters from tile indexTileindex2pointProcessor
- Generate the tile's center coordinates from tile indexGeometry2tileindexProcessor
- Generate all tiles' indices intersecting the input geometry
class Geometry2tileindexProcessor (input: Processor, **options)
Processor generating the tile's center coordinates from tile index
Accepted input format is "GEOMETRY" and output format is "TILE_INDEX"
- Processor from which data is read
- Format of input string geometries. "WKT", "WKB" or "GeoJSON"
- Tile matrix identifier to define intersecting tiles
Constructor method
- Processor from which data is read
- Format of input string geometries. "WKT", "WKB" or "GeoJSON"
- Tile matrix identifier to define intersecting tiles
- Input format is not allowed
- A mandatory option is missing
- A mandatory option is not valid
- Provided level is not in the pivot TMS
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class Geometry2tileindexProcessor(Processor): """Processor generating the tile's center coordinates from tile index Accepted input format is "GEOMETRY" and output format is "TILE_INDEX" Attributes: __input (Processor): Processor from which data is read __geometry_format (str): Format of input string geometries. "WKT", "WKB" or "GeoJSON" __level (str): Tile matrix identifier to define intersecting tiles """ input_formats_allowed = ["GEOMETRY"] geometry_formats_allowed = ["WKT", "WKB", "GeoJSON"] def __init__(self, input: Processor, **options): """Constructor method Args: input (Processor): Processor from which data is read **format (str): Format of input string geometries. "WKT", "WKB" or "GeoJSON" **level (str): Tile matrix identifier to define intersecting tiles Raises: ValueError: Input format is not allowed KeyError: A mandatory option is missing ValueError: A mandatory option is not valid ValueError: Provided level is not in the pivot TMS """ if input.format not in self.input_formats_allowed: raise ValueError(f"Input format {input.format} is not handled for Geometry2tileindexProcessor : allowed formats are {self.input_formats_allowed}") super().__init__("TILE_INDEX") self.__input = input try: if options["format"] not in self.geometry_formats_allowed: raise ValueError(f"Option 'format' for an input geometry is not handled ({options['format']}) : allowed formats are {self.geometry_formats_allowed}") self.__geometry_format = options["format"] if self.tms.get_level(options["level"]) is None: raise ValueError(f"Provided level is not in the TMS") self.__level = options["level"] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Option {e} is required to generate tile indices from geometries") def process(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]: """Read a geometry from the input processor and extract tile index Geometry is parsed according to provided format. To determine intersecting tiles, geometry have to be a Polygon or a MultiPolygon. For an input geometry, all intersecting tiles for the provided level are yielded Examples: Get intersecting tiles' indices from import Geometry2tileindexProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format GEOMETRY processor = Geometry2tileindexProcessor(source_processor, level="15", format="GeoJSON" ) for item in processor.process(): (level, col, row) = item except Exception as e: print("{e}") Yields: Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]: Tile index (level, col, row) """ tile_matrix = self.tms.get_level(self.__level) if self.__input.format == "GEOMETRY": for item in self.__input.process(): self._processed += 1 try: geom = None if self.__geometry_format == "WKT": geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(item)) elif self.__geometry_format == "GeoJSON": geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(item)) elif self.__geometry_format == "WKB": geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(item)) for i in range(0, geom.GetGeometryCount()): g = geom.GetGeometryRef(i) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = g.GetEnvelope() col_min, row_min, col_max, row_max = tile_matrix.bbox_to_tiles((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) for col in range(col_min, col_max + 1): for row in range(row_min, row_max + 1): tg = bbox_to_geometry(tile_matrix.tile_to_bbox(col, row)) if g.Intersects(tg): yield (self.__level, col, row) except Exception as e: # La géométrie n'est pas valide, on la passe simplement print(e) continue def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Geometry2tileindexProcessor : {self._processed} {self.__input.format} items processed (format {self.__geometry_format}), extracting intersecting tile's indices"
Class variables
var geometry_formats_allowed
var input_formats_allowed
def process(self) ‑> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]
Read a geometry from the input processor and extract tile index
Geometry is parsed according to provided format. To determine intersecting tiles, geometry have to be a Polygon or a MultiPolygon. For an input geometry, all intersecting tiles for the provided level are yielded
Get intersecting tiles' indices
from import Geometry2tileindexProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format GEOMETRY processor = Geometry2tileindexProcessor(source_processor, level="15", format="GeoJSON" ) for item in processor.process(): (level, col, row) = item except Exception as e: print("{e}")
Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]
- Tile index (level, col, row)
Inherited members
class Gettile2tileindexProcessor (input: Processor, **options)
Processor extracting tile index from a WMTS GetTile URL
Accepted input format is "GETTILE_PARAMS" and output format is "TILE_INDEX"
- Processor from which data is read
, optional- Tile matrix identifier(s) to filter data
, optional- Layer(s) to filter data
Constructor method
- Processor from which data is read
, optional- Tile matrix identifier(s) to filter data
, optional- Layer(s) to filter data
- Input format is not allowed
- Provided level is not in the pivot TMS
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class Gettile2tileindexProcessor(Processor): """Processor extracting tile index from a WMTS GetTile URL Accepted input format is "GETTILE_PARAMS" and output format is "TILE_INDEX" Attributes: __input (Processor): Processor from which data is read __levels (List[str], optional): Tile matrix identifier(s) to filter data __layers (List[str], optional): Layer(s) to filter data """ input_formats_allowed = ["GETTILE_PARAMS"] def __init__(self, input: Processor, **options): """Constructor method Args: input (Processor): Processor from which data is read **levels (str, optional): Tile matrix identifier(s) to filter data **layers (str, optional): Layer(s) to filter data Raises: ValueError: Input format is not allowed ValueError: Provided level is not in the pivot TMS """ if input.format not in self.input_formats_allowed: raise ValueError(f"Input format {input.format} is not handled for Gettile2tileindexProcessor : allowed formats are {self.input_formats_allowed}") super().__init__("TILE_INDEX") self.__input = input if "levels" in options.keys(): self.__levels = options["levels"].split(",") for l in self.__levels: if self.tms.get_level(l) is None: raise ValueError(f"The provided level '{l}' is not in the TMS") else: self.__levels = None self.__input = input if "layers" in options.keys(): self.__layers = options["layers"].split(",") else: self.__layers = None def process(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]: """Read an item from the input processor and extract tile index Used query parameters are TILEMATRIXSET, TILEMATRIX, TILECOL and TILEROW. If one is missing, item is passed. TILEMATRISET have to be the pivot TMS's name (or just preffixed by its name). TILEMATRIX have to be present in the pivot TMS. If filtering levels are provided, unmatched TILEMATRIX are passed. If filtering layers are provided, unmatched LAYER are passed. Examples: Get tile index from import Gettile2tileindexProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format GETTILE_PARAMS processor = Gettile2tileindexProcessor(source_processor, level="19" ) for item in processor.process(): (level, col, row) = item except Exception as e: print("{e}") Yields: Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]: Tile index (level, col, row) """ if self.__input.format == "GETTILE_PARAMS": for item in self.__input.process(): self._processed += 1 qs = parse_qs(urlparse(item.upper()).query) try: # On se limite à un niveau et ce n'est pas celui de la requête if self.__levels is not None and qs["TILEMATRIX"][0] not in self.__levels: continue # On se limite à une couche et ce n'est pas celle de la requête if self.__layers is not None and qs["LAYER"][0] not in self.__layers: continue # La requête n'utilise pas le TMS en entrée if qs["TILEMATRIXSET"][0] != and not qs["TILEMATRIXSET"][0].startswith(f"{}_"): continue # La requête demande un niveau que le TMS ne possède pas if self.tms.get_level(qs["TILEMATRIX"][0]) is None: continue yield (str(qs["TILEMATRIX"][0]),int(qs["TILECOL"][0]),int(qs["TILEROW"][0])) except Exception as e: # La requête n'est pas un gettile ou n'est pas valide, il manque un paramètre, ou il a un mauvais format # on la passe simplement pass def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Gettile2tileindexProcessor : {self._processed} {self.__input.format} items processed, extracting tile's indices"
Class variables
var input_formats_allowed
def process(self) ‑> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]
Read an item from the input processor and extract tile index
Used query parameters are TILEMATRIXSET, TILEMATRIX, TILECOL and TILEROW. If one is missing, item is passed. TILEMATRISET have to be the pivot TMS's name (or just preffixed by its name). TILEMATRIX have to be present in the pivot TMS. If filtering levels are provided, unmatched TILEMATRIX are passed. If filtering layers are provided, unmatched LAYER are passed.
Get tile index
from import Gettile2tileindexProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format GETTILE_PARAMS processor = Gettile2tileindexProcessor(source_processor, level="19" ) for item in processor.process(): (level, col, row) = item except Exception as e: print("{e}")
Iterator[Tuple[str, int, int]]
- Tile index (level, col, row)
Inherited members
class Tileindex2gettileProcessor (input: Processor)
Processor generating WMTS GetTile query parameters from tile index
Accepted input format is "TILE_INDEX" and output format is "GETTILE_PARAMS"
- Processor from which data is read
Constructor method
- Processor from which data is read
- Input format is not allowed
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class Tileindex2gettileProcessor(Processor): """Processor generating WMTS GetTile query parameters from tile index Accepted input format is "TILE_INDEX" and output format is "GETTILE_PARAMS" Attributes: __input (Processor): Processor from which data is read """ input_formats_allowed = ["TILE_INDEX"] def __init__(self, input: Processor): """Constructor method Args: input (Processor): Processor from which data is read Raises: ValueError: Input format is not allowed """ if input.format not in self.input_formats_allowed: raise ValueError(f"Input format {input.format} is not handled for Tileindex2gettileProcessor : allowed formats are {self.input_formats_allowed}") super().__init__("GETTILE_PARAMS") self.__input = input def process(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Read a tile index from the input processor and generate WMTS GetTile query parameters Examples: Get GetTile query parameters from import Tileindex2gettileProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format TILE_INDEX processor = Tileindex2gettileProcessor(source_processor) for item in processor.process(): query_parameters = item except Exception as e: print("{e}") Yields: Iterator[str]: GetTile query parameters TILEMATRIXSET=<tms>&TILEMATRIX=<level>&TILECOL=<col>&TILEROW=<row> """ if self.__input.format == "TILE_INDEX": for item in self.__input.process(): self._processed += 1 (level, col, row) = item yield f"TILEMATRIXSET={}&TILEMATRIX={level}&TILECOL={col}&TILEROW={row}" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Tileindex2gettileProcessor : {self._processed} {self.__input.format} items processed, generating GetTile's query parameters"
Class variables
var input_formats_allowed
def process(self) ‑> Iterator[str]
Read a tile index from the input processor and generate WMTS GetTile query parameters
Get GetTile query parameters
from import Tileindex2gettileProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format TILE_INDEX processor = Tileindex2gettileProcessor(source_processor) for item in processor.process(): query_parameters = item except Exception as e: print("{e}")
- GetTile query parameters TILEMATRIXSET=
Inherited members
class Tileindex2pointProcessor (input: Processor)
Processor generating the tile's center coordinates from tile index
Accepted input format is "TILE_INDEX" and output format is "POINT"
- Processor from which data is read
Constructor method
- Processor from which data is read
- Input format is not allowed
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class Tileindex2pointProcessor(Processor): """Processor generating the tile's center coordinates from tile index Accepted input format is "TILE_INDEX" and output format is "POINT" Attributes: __input (Processor): Processor from which data is read """ input_formats_allowed = ["TILE_INDEX"] def __init__(self, input: Processor): """Constructor method Args: input (Processor): Processor from which data is read Raises: ValueError: Input format is not allowed """ if input.format not in self.input_formats_allowed: raise ValueError(f"Input format {input.format} is not handled for Tileindex2pointProcessor : allowed formats are {self.input_formats_allowed}") super().__init__("POINT") self.__input = input def process(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]: """Read a tile index from the input processor and generate the tile's center coordinates Examples: Get tile's center coordinates from import Tileindex2pointProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format TILE_INDEX processor = Tileindex2pointProcessor(source_processor) for item in processor.process(): (x, y) = item except Exception as e: print("{e}") Yields: Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]: point coordinates (x,y) """ if self.__input.format == "TILE_INDEX": for item in self.__input.process(): self._processed += 1 (level, col, row) = item try: bb = self.tms.get_level(level).tile_to_bbox(col, row) x_center = bb[0] + (bb[2] - bb[0]) / 2; y_center = bb[1] + (bb[3] - bb[1]) / 2; yield (x_center, y_center) except Exception as e: # Le niveau n'est pas valide, on passe simplement pass def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Tileindex2pointProcessor : {self._processed} {self.__input.format} items processed, extracting tile's center coordinates"
Class variables
var input_formats_allowed
def process(self) ‑> Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]
Read a tile index from the input processor and generate the tile's center coordinates
Get tile's center coordinates
from import Tileindex2pointProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format TILE_INDEX processor = Tileindex2pointProcessor(source_processor) for item in processor.process(): (x, y) = item except Exception as e: print("{e}")
Iterator[Tuple[float, float]]
- point coordinates (x,y)
Inherited members