Module rok4_tools.tmsizer_utils.processors.reduce
Provide processor combining data. Input data is transformed and accumulated and the result is yielded juste once, at the end.
The module contains the following classes:
- Count the number of item read from the input processorHeatmapProcessor
- Generate an heat map with all point coordinate read from the input processor
class CountProcessor (input: Processor)
Processor counting the number of item read from the input processor
All input formats are allowed and output format is "COUNT"
- Processor from which data is read
Constructor method
- Processor from which data is read
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class CountProcessor(Processor): """Processor counting the number of item read from the input processor All input formats are allowed and output format is "COUNT" Attributes: __input (Processor): Processor from which data is read """ def __init__(self, input: Processor): """Constructor method Args: input (Processor): Processor from which data is read """ super().__init__("COUNT") self.__input = input def process(self) -> Iterator[int]: """Count number of input item Yield count only once at the end Examples: Get input items count from rok4_tools.tmsizer_utils.processors.reduce import CountProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor processor = CountProcessor(source_processor, level="15", format="GeoJSON" ) count = processor.process().__next__() print(f"{count} items in source_processor") except Exception as e: print("{e}") Yields: Iterator[int]: the count of input items """ for item in self.__input.process(): self._processed += 1 yield self._processed def __str__(self) -> str: return f"CountProcessor : {self._processed} {self.__input.format} items counted"
def process(self) ‑> Iterator[int]
Count number of input item
Yield count only once at the end
Get input items count
from rok4_tools.tmsizer_utils.processors.reduce import CountProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor processor = CountProcessor(source_processor, level="15", format="GeoJSON" ) count = processor.process().__next__() print(f"{count} items in source_processor") except Exception as e: print("{e}")
- the count of input items
Inherited members
class HeatmapProcessor (input: Processor, **options)
Processor counting the number of item read from the input processor
Accepted input format is "POINT" and output format is "FILELIKE". Output file-like object is an in-memory GeoTIFF
- Processor from which data is read
:Tuple[float, float, float, float]
- Bounding box of the heat map (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)
:Tuple[int, int]
- Pixel dimensions of the heat map (width, height)
:Tuple[float, float]
- Pixel resolution (x resolution, y resolution)
Constructor method
- Processor from which data is read
- Bounding box of the heat map. Format "
, , , ". Coordinates system have to be the pivot TMS' one **dimensions
- Pixel dimensions of the heat map.Format "
x "
- Input format is not allowed
- A mandatory option is missing
- A mandatory option is not valid
- Provided level is not in the pivot TMS
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class HeatmapProcessor(Processor): """Processor counting the number of item read from the input processor Accepted input format is "POINT" and output format is "FILELIKE". Output file-like object is an in-memory GeoTIFF Attributes: __input (Processor): Processor from which data is read __bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box of the heat map (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) __dimensions (Tuple[int, int]): Pixel dimensions of the heat map (width, height) __resolutions (Tuple[float, float]): Pixel resolution (x resolution, y resolution) """ input_formats_allowed = ["POINT"] areas = { "EPSG:3857": { "FXX": [-649498, 5048729, 1173394, 6661417] } } def __init__(self, input: Processor, **options): """Constructor method Args: input (Processor): Processor from which data is read **bbox (str): Bounding box of the heat map. Format "<xmin>,<ymin>,<xmax>,<ymax>". Coordinates system have to be the pivot TMS' one **dimensions (str): Pixel dimensions of the heat map.Format "<width>x<height>" Raises: ValueError: Input format is not allowed KeyError: A mandatory option is missing ValueError: A mandatory option is not valid ValueError: Provided level is not in the pivot TMS """ if input.format not in self.input_formats_allowed: raise Exception(f"Input format {input.format} is not handled for HeatmapProcessor : allowed formats are {self.input_formats_allowed}") super().__init__("FILELIKE") self.__input = input if "bbox" in options: try: self.__bbox = [float(c) for c in options["bbox"].split(",")] self.__bbox = tuple(self.__bbox) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Option 'bbox' contains non float values : {e}") if len(self.__bbox) != 4 or self.__bbox[0] >= self.__bbox[2] or self.__bbox[1] >= self.__bbox[3]: raise ValueError(f"Option 'bbox' have to be provided with format <xmin>,<ymin>,<xmax>,<ymax> (floats, min < max)") elif "area" in options: try: self.__bbox = self.areas[self.tms.srs][options["area"]] except KeyError as e: if self.tms.srs in self.areas: raise ValueError(f"Area '{options['area']}' is not available for the TMS coordinates system ({self.tms.srs}): available areas are {', '.join(self.areas[self.tms.srs].keys())}") else : raise ValueError(f"No defined areas for the TMS coordinates system ({self.tms.srs})") else: raise KeyError(f"Option 'bbox' or 'area' is required for a heatmap processing") if "dimensions" in options: try: self.__dimensions = [int(d) for d in options["dimensions"].split("x")] self.__dimensions = tuple(self.__dimensions) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(f"Option 'dimensions' contains non integer values : {e}") if len(self.__dimensions) != 2 or self.__dimensions[0] <= 0 or self.__dimensions[1] <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Option 'dimensions' have to be provided with format <width>x<height> (positive integers)") self.__resolutions = ( (self.__bbox[2] - self.__bbox[0]) / self.__dimensions[0], (self.__bbox[3] - self.__bbox[1]) / self.__dimensions[1] ) elif "level" in options: level = self.tms.get_level(options["level"]) if level is None: raise ValueError(f"The provided level '{options['dimensions']}' (to have one pixel per tile) is not in the TMS") # On va caler la bbox pour qu'elle coïncide avec les limites de tuiles du niveau demandé (col_min, row_min, col_max, row_max) = level.bbox_to_tiles(self.__bbox) # Calage du coin en bas à gauche (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = level.tile_to_bbox(col_min, row_max) self.__bbox[0] = xmin self.__bbox[1] = ymin # Calage du coin en haut à droite (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = level.tile_to_bbox(col_max, row_min) self.__bbox[2] = xmax self.__bbox[3] = ymax self.__resolutions = ( xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin ) self.__dimensions = ( int((self.__bbox[2] - self.__bbox[0]) / self.__resolutions[0]), int((self.__bbox[3] - self.__bbox[1]) / self.__resolutions[1]) ) else: raise KeyError(f"Option 'dimensions' or 'level' is required for a heatmap processing") if self.__dimensions[0] > 10000 or self.__dimensions[1] > 10000: raise ValueError(f"Heatmap dimensions have to be less than 10 000 x 10 000: here it's {self.__dimensions}") def process(self) -> Iterator[MemoryFile]: """Read point coordinates from the input processor and accumule them as a heat map Points outsides the provided bounding box are ignored. Examples: Get intersecting tiles' indices from rok4_tools.tmsizer_utils.processors.reduce import HeatmapProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format POINT processor = HeatmapProcessor(source_processor, bbox="65000,6100000,665000,6500000", dimensions="600x400" ) f = processor.process().__next__() with open("hello.txt", "w") as my_file: my_file.write( except Exception as e: print("{e}") Yields: Iterator[]: In-memory GeoTIFF """ data = np.zeros((self.__dimensions[1], self.__dimensions[0]), dtype=np.uint32) if self.__input.format == "POINT": for item in self.__input.process(): self._processed += 1 (x_center, y_center) = item if x_center > self.__bbox[2] or y_center > self.__bbox[3] or x_center < self.__bbox[0] or y_center < self.__bbox[1]: continue pcol = floor((x_center - self.__bbox[0]) / self.__resolutions[0]) prow = floor((self.__bbox[3] - y_center) / self.__resolutions[1]) data[prow][pcol] += 1 memfile = MemoryFile() with driver='GTiff', height=data.shape[0], width=data.shape[1], count=1, dtype=data.dtype, crs=rasterio.CRS.from_string(self.tms.srs), nodata=0, transform=from_origin(self.__bbox[0], self.__bbox[3], self.__resolutions[0], self.__resolutions[1]), ) as dataset: dataset.write(data, indexes=1) yield memfile def __str__(self) -> str: return f"HeatmapProcessor : {self._processed} hits on image with dimensions {self.__dimensions} and bbox {self.__bbox} (resolutions {self.__resolutions})"
Class variables
var areas
var input_formats_allowed
def process(self) ‑> Iterator[]
Read point coordinates from the input processor and accumule them as a heat map
Points outsides the provided bounding box are ignored.
Get intersecting tiles' indices
from rok4_tools.tmsizer_utils.processors.reduce import HeatmapProcessor try: # Creation of Processor source_processor with format POINT processor = HeatmapProcessor(source_processor, bbox="65000,6100000,665000,6500000", dimensions="600x400" ) f = processor.process().__next__() with open("hello.txt", "w") as my_file: my_file.write( except Exception as e: print("{e}")
- In-memory GeoTIFF
Inherited members