Coverage for src/rok4_tools/ 48%
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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3import argparse
4import json
5import logging
6import os
7import sys
8from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
10import jsonschema.validators
11from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate
12from import get_data_str
14from rok4_tools import __version__
15from rok4_tools.joincache_utils.agent import work as agent_work
16from rok4_tools.joincache_utils.finisher import work as finisher_work
17from rok4_tools.joincache_utils.master import work as master_work
19# Default logger
20logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING)
22config = {}
23args = None
26def parse() -> None:
27 """Parse call arguments and check values
29 Exit program if an error occured
30 """
32 global args
34 # CLI call parser
35 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
36 prog="joincache",
37 description="Tool to generate a pyramid from other compatible pyramid",
38 epilog="",
39 )
41 parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + __version__)
43 parser.add_argument(
44 "--role",
45 choices=["master", "agent", "finisher", "example", "check"],
46 action="store",
47 dest="role",
48 help="Script's role",
49 required=True,
50 )
52 parser.add_argument(
53 "--conf",
54 metavar="storage://path/to/conf.json",
55 action="store",
56 dest="configuration",
57 help="Configuration file or object, JSON format",
58 required=False,
59 )
61 parser.add_argument(
62 "--split",
63 type=int,
64 metavar="N",
65 action="store",
66 dest="split",
67 help="Split number, only required for the agent role",
68 required=False,
69 )
71 args = parser.parse_args()
73 if args.role != "example" and (args.configuration is None):
74 print("joincache: error: argument --conf is required for all roles except 'example'")
75 sys.exit(1)
77 if args.role == "agent" and (args.split is None or args.split < 1):
78 print(
79 "joincache: error: argument --split is required for the agent role and have to be a positive integer"
80 )
81 sys.exit(1)
84def configuration() -> None:
85 """Load configuration file
87 Raises:
88 JSONDecodeError: Configuration is not a valid JSON file
89 ValidationError: Configuration is not a valid JOINCACHE configuration file
90 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations
91 StorageError: Storage read issue
92 FileNotFoundError: File or object does not exist
93 """
95 global config
97 # Chargement du schéma JSON
98 f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "joincache_utils", "schema.json"))
99 schema = json.load(f)
100 f.close()
102 # Chargement et validation de la configuration JSON
103 config = json.loads(get_data_str(args.configuration))
104 validate(config, schema)
106 # Valeurs par défaut et cohérence avec l'appel
107 if "parallelization" not in config["process"]:
108 config["process"]["parallelization"] = 1
110 if args.role == "agent" and args.split > config["process"]["parallelization"]:
111 raise Exception(
112 f"Split number have to be consistent with the parallelization level: {args.split} > {config['process']['parallelization']}"
113 )
115 if "only_links" not in config["process"]:
116 config["process"]["only_links"] = False
118 if "mask" not in config["process"]:
119 config["process"]["mask"] = False
120 config["pyramid"]["mask"] = False
121 else:
122 if "mask" not in config["pyramid"]:
123 config["pyramid"]["mask"] = False
124 elif config["process"]["mask"] == False and config["pyramid"]["mask"] == True:
125 raise Exception(
126 f"The new pyramid cannot have mask if masks are not used during the process"
127 )
129 # Logger
130 if "logger" in config:
131 # On supprime l'ancien logger (celui configuré par défaut) et on le reconfigure avec les nouveaux paramètres
132 for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
133 logging.root.removeHandler(handler)
135 if "file" in config["logger"]:
136 logging.basicConfig(
137 level=logging.getLevelName(config["logger"].get("level", "WARNING")),
138 format=config["logger"].get("layout", "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"),
139 filename=config["logger"]["file"],
140 )
141 else:
142 logging.basicConfig(
143 level=logging.getLevelName(config["logger"].get("level", "WARNING")),
144 format=config["logger"].get("layout", "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"),
145 )
148def main():
149 """Main function
151 Return 0 if success, 1 if an error occured
152 """
154 parse()
156 if args.role == "example":
157 # On veut juste afficher la configuration en exemple
158 f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "joincache_utils/example.json"))
159 print(
160 f.close
161 sys.exit(0)
163 # Configuration
164 try:
165 configuration()
167 except JSONDecodeError as e:
168 logging.error(f"{args.configuration} is not a valid JSON file: {e}")
169 sys.exit(1)
171 except ValidationError as e:
172 logging.error(f"{args.configuration} is not a valid configuration file: {e}")
173 sys.exit(1)
175 except Exception as e:
176 logging.error(e)
177 sys.exit(1)
179 if args.role == "check":
180 # On voulait juste valider le fichier de configuration, c'est chose faite
181 # Si on est là c'est que tout est bon
182 print("Valid configuration !")
183 sys.exit(0)
185 # Work
186 try:
187 if args.role == "master":
188 master_work(config)
189 elif args.role == "agent":
190 agent_work(config, args.split)
191 elif args.role == "finisher":
192 finisher_work(config)
194 except Exception as e:
195 logging.error(e)
196 sys.exit(1)
198 sys.exit(0)