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1"""Provide functions to manipulate OGR / OSR entities
4# -- IMPORTS --
6# standard library
7import os
8import re
9from typing import Tuple
11# 3rd party
12from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
14# package
15from rok4.enums import ColorFormat
17# -- GLOBALS --
22__SR_BOOK = {}
25def srs_to_spatialreference(srs: str) -> "osgeo.osr.SpatialReference":
26 """Convert coordinates system as string to OSR spatial reference
28 Using a cache, to instanciate a Spatial Reference from a string only once.
30 Args:
31 srs (str): coordinates system PROJ4 compliant, with authority and code, like EPSG:3857 or IGNF:LAMB93
33 Raises:
34 RuntimeError: Provided SRS is invalid for OSR
36 Returns:
37 osgeo.osr.SpatialReference: Corresponding OSR spatial reference
38 """
40 global __SR_BOOK
42 if srs.upper() not in __SR_BOOK:
43 authority, code = srs.split(":", 1)
45 sr = osr.SpatialReference()
46 if authority.upper() == "EPSG":
47 sr.ImportFromEPSG(int(code))
48 else:
49 sr.ImportFromProj4(f"+init={srs.upper()} +wktext")
51 __SR_BOOK[srs.upper()] = sr
53 return __SR_BOOK[srs.upper()]
56def bbox_to_geometry(
57 bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float], densification: int = 0
58) -> "osgeo.ogr.Geometry":
59 """Convert bbox coordinates to OGR geometry
61 Args:
62 bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
63 densification (int, optional): Number of point to add for each side of bounding box. Defaults to 0.
65 Raises:
66 RuntimeError: Provided SRS is invalid for OSR
68 Returns:
69 osgeo.ogr.Geometry: Corresponding OGR geometry, with spatial reference if provided
70 """
72 ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
74 if densification > 0:
75 step_x = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) / (densification + 1)
76 step_y = (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) / (densification + 1)
78 for i in range(densification + 1):
79 ring.AddPoint(bbox[0] + step_x * i, bbox[1])
80 for i in range(densification + 1):
81 ring.AddPoint(bbox[2], bbox[1] + step_y * i)
82 for i in range(densification + 1):
83 ring.AddPoint(bbox[2] - step_x * i, bbox[3])
84 for i in range(densification + 1):
85 ring.AddPoint(bbox[0], bbox[3] - step_y * i)
86 ring.AddPoint(bbox[0], bbox[1])
88 else:
89 ring.AddPoint(bbox[0], bbox[1])
90 ring.AddPoint(bbox[2], bbox[1])
91 ring.AddPoint(bbox[2], bbox[3])
92 ring.AddPoint(bbox[0], bbox[3])
93 ring.AddPoint(bbox[0], bbox[1])
95 geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
96 geom.AddGeometry(ring)
97 geom.SetCoordinateDimension(2)
99 return geom
102def reproject_bbox(
103 bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float], srs_src: str, srs_dst: str, densification: int = 5
104) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
105 """Return bounding box in other coordinates system
107 Points are added to be sure output bounding box contains input bounding box
109 Args:
110 bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) with source coordinates system
111 srs_src (str): source coordinates system
112 srs_dst (str): destination coordinates system
113 densification (int, optional): Number of point to add for each side of bounding box. Defaults to 5.
115 Returns:
116 Tuple[float, float, float, float]: bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) with destination coordinates system
117 """
119 sr_src = srs_to_spatialreference(srs_src)
120 sr_src_inv = sr_src.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() or sr_src.EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting()
122 sr_dst = srs_to_spatialreference(srs_dst)
123 sr_dst_inv = sr_dst.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() or sr_dst.EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting()
125 if sr_src.IsSame(sr_dst) and sr_src_inv == sr_dst_inv:
126 # Les système sont vraiment les même, avec le même ordre des axes
127 return bbox
128 elif sr_src.IsSame(sr_dst) and sr_src_inv != sr_dst_inv:
129 # Les système sont les même pour OSR, mais l'ordre des axes est différent
130 return (bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2])
132 # Systèmes différents
134 bbox_src = bbox_to_geometry(bbox, densification)
135 bbox_src.AssignSpatialReference(sr_src)
137 bbox_dst = bbox_src.Clone()
139 bbox_dst.TransformTo(sr_dst)
141 env = bbox_dst.GetEnvelope()
142 return (env[0], env[2], env[1], env[3])
145def reproject_point(
146 point: Tuple[float, float],
147 sr_src: "osgeo.osr.SpatialReference",
148 sr_dst: "osgeo.osr.SpatialReference",
149) -> Tuple[float, float]:
150 """Reproject a point
152 Args:
153 point (Tuple[float, float]): source spatial reference point
154 sr_src (osgeo.osr.SpatialReference): source spatial reference
155 sr_dst (osgeo.osr.SpatialReference): destination spatial reference
157 Returns:
158 Tuple[float, float]: X/Y in destination spatial reference
159 """
161 sr_src_inv = sr_src.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() or sr_src.EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting()
162 sr_dst_inv = sr_dst.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() or sr_dst.EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting()
164 if sr_src.IsSame(sr_dst) and sr_src_inv == sr_dst_inv:
165 # Les système sont vraiment les mêmes, avec le même ordre des axes
166 return (point[0], point[1])
167 elif sr_src.IsSame(sr_dst) and sr_src_inv != sr_dst_inv:
168 # Les système sont les même pour OSR, mais l'ordre des axes est différent
169 return (point[1], point[0])
171 # Systèmes différents
172 ct = osr.CreateCoordinateTransformation(sr_src, sr_dst)
173 x_dst, y_dst, z_dst = ct.TransformPoint(point[0], point[1])
175 return (x_dst, y_dst)
178def compute_bbox(source_dataset: gdal.Dataset) -> Tuple:
179 """Image boundingbox computing method
181 Args:
182 source_dataset (gdal.Dataset): Dataset instanciated
183 from the raster image
185 Limitations:
186 Image's axis must be parallel to SRS' axis
188 Raises:
189 AttributeError: source_dataset is not a gdal.Dataset instance.
190 Exception: The dataset does not contain transform data.
191 """
192 bbox = None
193 transform_vector = source_dataset.GetGeoTransform()
194 if transform_vector is None:
195 raise Exception(
196 "No transform vector found in the dataset created from "
197 + f"the following file : {source_dataset.GetFileList()[0]}"
198 )
199 width = source_dataset.RasterXSize
200 height = source_dataset.RasterYSize
201 x_range = (
202 transform_vector[0],
203 transform_vector[0] + width * transform_vector[1] + height * transform_vector[2],
204 )
205 y_range = (
206 transform_vector[3],
207 transform_vector[3] + width * transform_vector[4] + height * transform_vector[5],
208 )
209 spatial_ref = source_dataset.GetSpatialRef()
210 if spatial_ref is not None and spatial_ref.GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping() == [2, 1]:
211 # Coordonnées terrain de type (latitude, longitude)
212 # => on permute les coordonnées terrain par rapport à l'image
213 bbox = (min(y_range), min(x_range), max(y_range), max(x_range))
214 else:
215 # Coordonnées terrain de type (longitude, latitude) ou pas de SRS
216 # => les coordonnées terrain sont dans le même ordre que celle de l'image
217 bbox = (min(x_range), min(y_range), max(x_range), max(y_range))
218 return bbox
221def compute_format(dataset: gdal.Dataset, path: str = None) -> ColorFormat:
222 """Image color format computing method
224 Args:
225 dataset (gdal.Dataset): Dataset instanciated from the image
226 path (str, optionnal): path to the original file/object
228 Raises:
229 AttributeError: source_dataset is not a gdal.Dataset instance.
230 Exception: No color band found or unsupported color format.
231 """
232 color_format = None
233 if path is None:
234 path = dataset.GetFileList()[0]
235 if dataset.RasterCount < 1:
236 raise Exception(f"Image {path} contains no color band.")
238 band_1_datatype = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType
239 data_type_name = gdal.GetDataTypeName(band_1_datatype)
240 data_type_size = gdal.GetDataTypeSize(band_1_datatype)
241 color_interpretation = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).GetRasterColorInterpretation()
242 color_name = None
243 if color_interpretation is not None:
244 color_name = gdal.GetColorInterpretationName(color_interpretation)
245 compression_regex_match ="COMPRESSION\s*=\s*PACKBITS", gdal.Info(dataset))
247 if (
248 data_type_name == "Byte"
249 and data_type_size == 8
250 and color_name == "Palette"
251 and compression_regex_match
252 ):
253 # Compris par libTIFF comme du noir et blanc sur 1 bit
254 color_format = ColorFormat.BIT
255 elif data_type_name == "Byte" and data_type_size == 8:
256 color_format = ColorFormat.UINT8
257 elif data_type_name == "Float32" and data_type_size == 32:
258 color_format = ColorFormat.FLOAT32
259 else:
260 raise Exception(
261 f"Unsupported color format for image {path} : "
262 + f"'{data_type_name}' ({data_type_size} bits)"
263 )
264 return color_format