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1"""Provide class to read informations on vector data from file path or object path
3The module contains the following class :
5- `Vector` - Data Vector
8# -- IMPORTS --
10# standard library
11import os
12import tempfile
14# 3rd party
15from osgeo import ogr
17# package
18from import copy, get_osgeo_path
20# -- GLOBALS --
22# Enable GDAL/OGR exceptions
26class Vector:
27 """A data vector
29 Attributes:
30 path (str): path to the file/object
31 bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): bounding rectange in the data projection
32 layers (List[Tuple[str, int, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]) : Vector layers with their name, their number of objects and their attributes
33 """
35 @classmethod
36 def from_file(cls, path: str, **kwargs) -> "Vector":
37 """Constructor method of a Vector from a file (Shapefile, Geopackage, CSV and GeoJSON)
39 Args:
40 path (str): path to the file/object
41 **csv (Dict[str : str]) : dictionnary of CSV parameters :
42 -srs (str) ("EPSG:2154" if not provided) : spatial reference system of the geometry
43 -column_x (str) ("x" if not provided) : field of the x coordinate
44 -column_y (str) ("y" if not provided) : field of the y coordinate
45 -column_wkt (str) (None if not provided) : field of the WKT of the geometry if WKT use to define coordinate
47 Examples:
49 from rok4.vector import Vector
51 try:
52 vector = Vector.from_file("file://tests/fixtures/ARRONDISSEMENT.shp")
53 vector_csv1 = Vector.from_file("file://tests/fixtures/vector.csv" , csv={"delimiter":";", "column_x":"x", "column_y":"y"})
54 vector_csv2 = Vector.from_file("file://tests/fixtures/vector2.csv" , csv={"delimiter":";", "column_wkt":"WKT"})
56 except Exception as e:
57 print(f"Vector creation raises an exception: {exc}")
59 Raises:
60 MissingEnvironmentError: Missing object storage informations
61 StorageError: Storage read issue
62 Exception: Wrong column
63 Exception: Wrong data in column
64 Exception: Wrong format of file
65 Exception: Wrong data in the file
67 """
69 self = cls()
71 self.path = path
73 path_split = path.split("/")
75 if path_split[0] == "ceph:" or path.endswith(".csv"):
76 if path.endswith(".shp"):
77 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
78 tmp_path = tmp + "/" + path_split[-1][:-4]
80 copy(path, "file://" + tmp_path + ".shp")
81 copy(path[:-4] + ".shx", "file://" + tmp_path + ".shx")
82 copy(path[:-4] + ".cpg", "file://" + tmp_path + ".cpg")
83 copy(path[:-4] + ".dbf", "file://" + tmp_path + ".dbf")
84 copy(path[:-4] + ".prj", "file://" + tmp_path + ".prj")
86 dataSource = ogr.Open(tmp_path + ".shp", 0)
88 elif path.endswith(".gpkg"):
89 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
90 tmp_path = tmp + "/" + path_split[-1][:-5]
92 copy(path, "file://" + tmp_path + ".gpkg")
94 dataSource = ogr.Open(tmp_path + ".gpkg", 0)
96 elif path.endswith(".geojson"):
97 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
98 tmp_path = tmp + "/" + path_split[-1][:-8]
100 copy(path, "file://" + tmp_path + ".geojson")
102 dataSource = ogr.Open(tmp_path + ".geojson", 0)
104 elif path.endswith(".csv"):
105 # Récupération des informations optionnelles
106 if "csv" in kwargs:
107 csv = kwargs["csv"]
108 else:
109 csv = {}
111 if "srs" in csv and csv["srs"] is not None:
112 srs = csv["srs"]
113 else:
114 srs = "EPSG:2154"
116 if "column_x" in csv and csv["column_x"] is not None:
117 column_x = csv["column_x"]
118 else:
119 column_x = "x"
121 if "column_y" in csv and csv["column_y"] is not None:
122 column_y = csv["column_y"]
123 else:
124 column_y = "y"
126 if "column_wkt" in csv:
127 column_wkt = csv["column_wkt"]
128 else:
129 column_wkt = None
131 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
132 tmp_path = tmp + "/" + path_split[-1][:-4]
133 name_fich = path_split[-1][:-4]
135 copy(path, "file://" + tmp_path + ".csv")
137 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
138 mode="w", suffix=".vrt", dir=tmp, delete=False
139 ) as tmp2:
140 vrt_file = "<OGRVRTDataSource>\n"
141 vrt_file += '<OGRVRTLayer name="' + name_fich + '">\n'
142 vrt_file += "<SrcDataSource>" + tmp_path + ".csv</SrcDataSource>\n"
143 vrt_file += "<SrcLayer>" + name_fich + "</SrcLayer>\n"
144 vrt_file += "<LayerSRS>" + srs + "</LayerSRS>\n"
145 if column_wkt is None:
146 vrt_file += (
147 '<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="'
148 + column_x
149 + '" y="'
150 + column_y
151 + '"/>\n'
152 )
153 else:
154 vrt_file += (
155 '<GeometryField encoding="WKT" field="' + column_wkt + '"/>\n'
156 )
157 vrt_file += "</OGRVRTLayer>\n"
158 vrt_file += "</OGRVRTDataSource>"
159 tmp2.write(vrt_file)
160 dataSourceVRT = ogr.Open(, 0)
161 os.remove(
162 dataSource = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile").CopyDataSource(
163 dataSourceVRT, tmp_path + "shp"
164 )
166 else:
167 raise Exception("This format of file cannot be loaded")
169 else:
170 dataSource = ogr.Open(get_osgeo_path(path), 0)
172 multipolygon = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbGeometryCollection)
173 try:
174 layer = dataSource.GetLayer()
175 except AttributeError:
176 raise Exception(f"The content of {self.path} cannot be read")
178 layers = []
179 for i in range(dataSource.GetLayerCount()):
180 layer = dataSource.GetLayer(i)
181 name = layer.GetName()
182 count = layer.GetFeatureCount()
183 layerDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn()
184 attributes = []
185 for j in range(layerDefinition.GetFieldCount()):
186 fieldName = layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetName()
187 fieldTypeCode = layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetType()
188 fieldType = layerDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetFieldTypeName(fieldTypeCode)
189 attributes += [(fieldName, fieldType)]
190 for feature in layer:
191 geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
192 if geom is not None:
193 multipolygon.AddGeometry(geom)
194 layers += [(name, count, attributes)]
196 self.layers = layers
197 self.bbox = multipolygon.GetEnvelope()
199 return self
201 @classmethod
202 def from_parameters(cls, path: str, bbox: tuple, layers: list) -> "Vector":
203 """Constructor method of a Vector from a parameters
205 Args:
206 path (str): path to the file/object
207 bbox (Tuple[float, float, float, float]): bounding rectange in the data projection
208 layers (List[Tuple[str, int, List[Tuple[str, str]]]]) : Vector layers with their name, their number of objects and their attributes
210 Examples:
212 try :
213 vector = Vector.from_parameters("file://tests/fixtures/ARRONDISSEMENT.shp", (1,2,3,4), [('ARRONDISSEMENT', 14, [('ID', 'String'), ('NOM', 'String'), ('INSEE_ARR', 'String'), ('INSEE_DEP', 'String'), ('INSEE_REG', 'String'), ('ID_AUT_ADM', 'String'), ('DATE_CREAT', 'String'), ('DATE_MAJ', 'String'), ('DATE_APP', 'Date'), ('DATE_CONF', 'Date')])])
215 except Exception as e:
216 print(f"Vector creation raises an exception: {exc}")
218 """
220 self = cls()
222 self.path = path
223 self.bbox = bbox
224 self.layers = layers
226 return self